Postcards from Slough
Postcards from Slough

Mars Confectionery

Waberer’s have a transport contract with Mars

Chocolate confectionery products were mostly in block form until 1932 when Forrest Mars set up his factory on Slough Trading Estate. His recipe consisted of layers of nougat, caramel and milk chocolate. His company, Mars Confections Ltd, initially employed 12 staff but the workforce grew to 100 within the first year.


Building on this success Mars struck on the idea to coat chocolate in a protective candy to stop it from melting. So M&Ms was born and they were adopted as a ration for US forces which ensured further success. This coating was later used to make Galaxy Minstrels.

Some of Mars confectionery products

Mars diversified into food stuffs such as pet food, drinks and pioneered techniques to parboil rice. In 1938 Uncle Ben’s long grain rice was launched. Mars now has its headquarters in California. 


Confectionary product range includes:






Milky Way








Drinks product range includes:



The Bright Tea Co


Dove hot chocolate



Pet care brands include:

Banfield pet hospital



Royal Canin


The Goodlife Recipe



I personally don’t eat much in the way of sweets but one thing that I do like is plain chocolate Bounty. For some reason they are not as readily available as the milk chocolate variety so here’s a link to buy them in bulk. This advertisement below is for a bulk purchase of 24 pairs of plain chocolate Bounty bars. Store them in the fridge – delicious!

My name is Gary Flint. I'm author, photographer & illustrator for Postcards from Slough. If you wish to make any comments on the contents of the website please click on the ladybird below:

Gary Flint

08/03/1961 - 09/04/2019

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Chalvey Community Forum

Postcards from Slough is linked with a local action group the Chalvey Community Forum. The group liaises with various local organisations in order to improve the quality of life for residents in the ward of Chalvey and Salt Hill. To learn more please click on the maidenhair leaf below:

Museum of Berkshire Aviation

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