The Upton-cum-Chalvey parish runs along the south of Slough and is served by three churches, each very distinct from each other. The mixture is extraordinary. There is a village church, a town church and a historic church.
St Peter’s Church
St Peter’s is very much a village church, a community church. A particular distinction is that its war memorial carries the name Youens who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his outstanding bravery in action during the First World War.
To learn more about this church please click the button.
St Mary’s Church
St Mary’s Church from the south-east
St Mary’s is a town church and has some fine stained glass windows especially the abstract west light. It has many other fine features including a pipe organ with 37 stops and over 2,400 pipes.
To learn more about this church please click the button.
St Mary's plays host to Saturday lunchtime concerts featuring talented musicians from the local area. These concerts are are arranged by the Euphonium Collective and are varied and very popular. To learn more about these concerts and to link to the Euphonium Collective website, please click the button.
St Laurence’s Church
Parts of the structure of St Laurence’s date from the early 12th century. Because of this there are some distinguished historic people interred here including: Astronomer Sir William Herschel and his family; members of the publishing family the Bentleys; artist Henrietta Ward and other family members along with other families of local historic significance.
To learn more about this church please click the button.
My name is Gary Flint. I'm author, photographer & illustrator for Postcards from Slough. If you wish to make any comments on the contents of the website please click on the ladybird below:
Gary Flint
08/03/1961 - 09/04/2019
Postcards from Slough is an independently funded website. We are open to offers of sponsorship from companies that have any connections to the town. To contact us please click on the ladybird below:
Chalvey Community Forum
Postcards from Slough is linked with a local action group the Chalvey Community Forum. The group liaises with various local organisations in order to improve the quality of life for residents in the ward of Chalvey and Salt Hill. To learn more please click on the maidenhair leaf below:
Museum of Berkshire Aviation
I volunteer as a guide at the Museum of Berkshire Aviation. It is a special museum and if you would like to know more about the museum then please click on the motif below:
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Graces Guide
Postcards from Slough uses some images from Grace's Guide. Click on the button below:
British Listed Buildings
Postcards from Slough contributes material to British Listed Buildings and uses the site for cross referencing purposes. Click on the button below: