Dear Gary
I was browsing the web earlier for some information on Slough history and came across your site. I subsequently spent most of the afternoon enjoying your wonderful piece of work. Thank you. My knowledge of Slough has increased massively and I will share it with others. Have you produced any hard copy work?
Kind regards
4 February 2017
Thank you Tony for your kind compliments. I haven't produced a hard copy yet but I do intend to in the future.
Thanks once again for these comments, I feel quite flattered.
Kind regards
Gary, PfS
Hello Gary
Thank you for directing me to your website. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was taken aback by the extremely comprehensive content..... who knew there was so much to Slough! I've just spent the last hour or so engrossed as I meandered my way through the content. Brilliant site!
9 August 2016
Thank you Ruth. It’s always nice to receive such positive feedback. When I started I didn’t realise there was so much to Slough. I expected it to just be about 16 pages. It’s now over 70 pages and still growing! It’s become a bit of an obsession. Thanks again for your encouragement.
Gary, PfS
After finding your website I have been back and forth ever since, and learnt something new each time, Not being from Slough and having spent the last 10 years in Cippenham, I had no idea on the history of the area and Slough as a whole, I think we are all too ready to see what we see in front of us and not scratch the surface to see what was underneath...
Gary has helped me with a project with my local Cub Scout Group and has been very helpful, and is a wealth of information.
24 February 2016
You flatter me Dawn, I don’t at all consider myself as an absolute expert on the subject of Slough but I am grateful for your kind words. It was a pleasure to be of assistance.
Gary, PfS
What a joy and refreshing article you have written, on my fav marques...The Lola-then-to-be the Ford GT40. As an avid fan of British performance cars/racing, since the age of 3. (Because the chap next door, had a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, and I would long for him to "make the wonderful noise" when starting the engine - it stayed with me!). I awoke this morning, and thought about Lola cars, and the company's sad demise in 2012. I have watched at every opportunity, the now small collection of genuine Ford GT40's race, and never cease to remind people that, actually, it is a British car, and that "we" gave her away to the Americans, and latterly to a German!
When in the company of these magnificent cars (always buy a Paddock Ticket!), I am overwhelmed with excitement, pride, and in awe of what they have achieved. I had the pleasure of actually seeing the Gulf Ford GT40, Le Mans winner at Silverstone in 1992. Nothing has moved me so, as when posing with ale in one hand, and gently caressing "her" bonnet with t'other. Still have the photo, and we both look good - well, we ARE GIRLS!!! Finally, it is so sad that my gender are not more omnipresent, as Petrol Disciples, in motor racing, as I am... No matter, the enthusiasm of the chaps, and the camaraderie among us, is always a delight!
10 May 2015
What a wonderful enthusiasm you have and I am grateful to your comments. Normally I would shorten or abridge a message such as this but I found your reminiscences too fascinating and it's very gratifying to get feedback such as this. Many thanks for getting in touch.
Gary, PfS
Hi Gary, this is a brilliant website, very well researched and presented. I should state actually that I am a freelance journalist and I am currently engaged in researching the subject of Langley airfield and factory for a 3000-4000 word article in Britain At War Magazine. Consequently, I have cited relevant parts of your website (which will be fully referenced in the text or at the end of the article). I hope this is okay with you.
Robin, Weston-Super-Mare
7 May 2015
Thanks for your kind comments. When I started the project I thought that it might just be of local interest but then I realised that some of the subjects covered were of national or even international importance. It’s gratifying to know that the website or aspects of it attracts interest from so far away.
On the subject of using material from my website I have a general policy that it is okay so long as I am contacted and the website and myself are cited exactly as you have done. Incidentally, a note to students wishing to use material for a project connected with their studies may do so with impunity.
Gary, PfS
‘Just come across your site and very impressed. Many thanks.’
1 February 2015
Many thanks for your comments. I equally welcome all feedback but complimentary feedback such as yours is even more equally welcome.
Gary, PfS
‘Being a Slough resident, I found your website informative. Under railways and Slough Station a few dates are confusing showing 19** instead of 18**.’
19 August 2014
Thank you very much for your words of encouragement and for pointing out the errors which I put down to typos. I do make every effort to eliminate errors but they sneak through as I don’t really have anyone qualified enough to double check this kind of detail before going live.
You may be interested to know that I have been busy these last few weeks adding pages to the website mostly concerning racing car teams based in Slough. I hope you enjoy the new pages.
Gary, PfS
‘Some of your details are incorrect regarding the Hurricane and you have not mentioned the various independent carriers that used the airfield.’
6 May 2014
Adjustments regarding the Hurricane have been made. Postcards from Slough is a young website and all of the pages are being continually updated and improved. More information on the airfield at Langley will appear in the future when it has been collected.
Many thanks for your comments.
Gary, PfS
My name is Gary Flint. I'm author, photographer & illustrator for Postcards from Slough. If you wish to make any comments on the contents of the website please click on the ladybird below:
Gary Flint
08/03/1961 - 09/04/2019
Postcards from Slough is an independently funded website. We are open to offers of sponsorship from companies that have any connections to the town. To contact us please click on the ladybird below:
Chalvey Community Forum
Postcards from Slough is linked with a local action group the Chalvey Community Forum. The group liaises with various local organisations in order to improve the quality of life for residents in the ward of Chalvey and Salt Hill. To learn more please click on the maidenhair leaf below:
Museum of Berkshire Aviation
I volunteer as a guide at the Museum of Berkshire Aviation. It is a special museum and if you would like to know more about the museum then please click on the motif below:
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Graces Guide
Postcards from Slough uses some images from Grace's Guide. Click on the button below:
British Listed Buildings
Postcards from Slough contributes material to British Listed Buildings and uses the site for cross referencing purposes. Click on the button below: